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Web Request Instructions

Web Request Instructions

The web team generally services tickets on a first come first serve basis. However, the web team reserves the right to triage requests, and to service requests in order of urgency as deemed by the web team. The web team also reserves the right to deny, cancel, postpone, or modify web requests to best fit the needs and brand of FSC. Bear in mind, request denials and cancellations are quite rare, and generally we will work with you to find a modified solution to your problem.

Reasons that a request might be denied or modified include, but are not limited to:

  • ADA/WCAG compliance issues -
  • Copyright issues (This is an issue that arises primarily with photo and video assets)
    • If you need stock photography for your project is a good resource for non-copyrighted photography.
  • Low quality assets (photos, videos, copy, etc.)
    • This is usually referring to low resolution or extremely compressed assets, though may extend to other aspects of the asset, such as production value.
  • Changes to pages which you, or your department are not responsible for.
  • Changes to global website styling (font, color scheme, menu structure, etc.)
  • Excessively large project scope

For changes to your faculty profile please use one of the following forms:

Please note that the web team does not handle changes to the Portal, Canvas, CashNet, or Slate.

Continue to Web Request Form