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Allison Durland Donahou, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Marine Biology

Durland Donahou

My teaching philosophy includes three principles: creating a supportive classroom environment that respects the diverse backgrounds and learning styles of students; demonstrating and creating interest and excitement in the topic by making it relevant to students’ lives; and fostering critical thinking and analytical skills through a variety of activities both in and outside of the classroom.

-Allison Durland Donahou

Polk Science - 144



I am originally from Seattle, Washington and grew up exploring the mountains and the coasts of the Pacific Northwest. After taking a marine science class in high school, I knew I wanted to be a marine biologist and knew I wanted to teach the subject. I started the path to this goal by receiving my B.A. in marine science from the University of San Diego. I then took a year off to explore the field which led me to a job at the NOAA-NMFS Alaska Fisheries Science Center. This was an excellent experience that allowed me to travel to and learn about fishing